Independent singers who make music that isn’t in the mainstream are rising in numbers. Indie musicians cum singers often have something celebrity singers don’t have – making music out of pure love and passion for the art. They also help others to materialize their musicality in any way they can. One such singer is Plan – his real name is Harvey Dowell V. Fenellere and his new E.P “Expresso” is set to be released later this year. The genre of Plan’s music is modern hip hop soul and his music speaks of the reality of how a man decides for himself.

Plan was born and raised in the Philippines. He moved to California, the United States when he was 20, with the intent of chasing his American dream of becoming a music maker. Plan’s musical journey began when he was in his native country itself – he was singing for a metal band in high school and college. Besides performing in bars, the band Plan was in took part in many rock band competitions. The experience gave Plan a pretty solid foundation in the art of making music.

Equipped with nothing but a burning desire and his experience in music back in his home country, Plan started a solo career as an underground rapper in America. He released several music tracks and E.P independently – they provided a base for him to work further into his music, experimenting and creating fresh tunes. Plan then changed the genre of his music and decided to pursue his singing career and also start producing his own instrumental and music. And that’s when he started to reach out to people.

Plan took the avatar of a producer and became a source of medium to make music for those people who can’t afford a studio recording – he provided the means for them to record their songs on his instrumentals. His ability to help others create music gave him much satisfaction and he was also working on his first album, “Bedroom Stories” which he released in the year 2017 under his real name, Harvey Fenellere.

But it wasn’t all rainbows and unicorns for Harvey Fenellere. Unstable income and lack of money to even sustain himself beset him. Due to financial limitations he stopped promoting his songs and then ended up penniless and eventually, homeless. Homelessness pushed Harvey Fenellere aka Plan to pounce on every opportunity he got to establish himself in every way, particularly in making music. He was determined to make his distinct musicality his identity despite the odds he was facing.

Finally, when he got the chance to make music again, he came up with a new E.P “Expresso” which is scheduled to be released at the end of this year. Harvey says, “Despite being alone without help from anyone, in a new country and unfamiliar environment, I managed to create something that will be a stepping stone for me. I wanted to prove myself so badly, I risked everything I have in my life including my loved ones. I’m selfish when it comes to time but I am humble and generous enough about my knowledge to share with others.”

Harvey V. Fenellere aka Plan’s music is to inspire to cultivate a critical mind to the listeners and to kindle imagination of a story to relate to. He is also looking forward to work with different artists especially the ones he looks up to. Plan quips, “Expect more music from me.” It sounds like a plan indeed.

Plan has a brand new single out, entitled, “Invisible” which can be streamed and downloaded on multiple platforms to be found HERE.