Lyrics Of Two – “Now’s The Time” is hard to resist!
As is usually the case with any Lyrics Of Two song release, the highlight is usually the songwriting. The band hailing from Los Angeles – …
As is usually the case with any Lyrics Of Two song release, the highlight is usually the songwriting. The band hailing from Los Angeles – …
Call this pop, rock, Americana, singer-songwriter, or whatever you like, it still will not cover all the musical flavors Los Angeles native Linda Debella packs …
The award-winning singer-songwriter, John Michael Ferrari has a clear understanding of what makes his songs work. While he can jump around from pop to rock and Americana …
Ten million American children are exposed to violence and abuse each year. The vast majority of abusers are law-abiding citizens without criminal records. However, the …
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy explains that many think of patriotism as a natural and appropriate expression of attachment to the country in which we …
The single “Stay Tonight” by award-winning Los Angeles based singer-songwriter and producer, Johnathan Dax, thrives in eloquence and a welcome return to the emotional resonance …
Franman was a high school Phys Ed teacher who began modelling and working in Television and Movies. He wrote a song to get an upgrade …
Rob Georg, growing up around the Cold War in Germany, remembers the pain and the sighs of relief as he melodically tells of his story …
Originally from the Bronx, Steve Contino followed love to South Carolina. He has been playing drums since the age of ten and picked up the …
Beneath the musical flash of her warm and engaging production template, on her latest single “My Someone”, Presley Duyck has changed only to the extent …